Key Messages from November 12, 2014:
- New terms of reference have been approved. Potential future additions could include inclusiveness and a more in depth process for conflict resolution
- Sue Poldervaart and Allan Hogan were elected co-chairs for the next two year term. Sue Cavanagh was elected to be the member at large.
- Planning day is scheduled for December 4, 2014. All members are reminded to complete the survey in preparation for the planning day
- The Community Issues Committee has been asked by the Planning Council to write an advocacy letter to the school boards asking them to support the nature for life initiative, identifying the mental health and academic benefits to the program
- A presentation on Triple P was provided by the Health Unit. Suzanne Geoffrion will chair a Triple P task force to help the council determine next steps.
Key Messages from September 11, 2014:
- The October 2 meeting is cancelled
- Nicki Collins is stepping down as chair of the Planning Council. The group decided to have co-chairs instead of a chair and vice chair. Elections will be held at the November 6 meeting for the following positions with two-year terms: co-chairs (2 positions); member-at-large to the Stewardship Committee (1 position). Please let Jane know if you are interested in running. If you have questions about workload or responsibilities, ask the incumbents: Nicki Collins (chair), Elizabeth Goldman (vice chair), Sue Cavanagh (member-at-large)
- The Terms of Reference will be voted on at the November meeting. This requires quorum (50 percent of membership plus one) so please attend or send a delegate. The ToR with proposed changes are online at
- LCPC is a group that functions when everyone contributes. Committees are always looking for new members. Descriptions of the committees and their work are at the link above
- Karen Moore is the new chair of BestStart and four BestStart-funded community grants are in progress
- Social media training will continue this year with updated modules. Please look for @lanarkkids and retweet, like on Facebook and subscribe to the website blog
- LCPC will be doing planning this fall, with a working session date most likely as an extended meeting on our regular date of December 4. It will be held in Carleton Place at either LCP or Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority. Details to follow
Key Messages from June 5, 2014:
- UCDSB is going through a significant restructuring process. Watch for the Powerpoint that Jane will post which will include the new families of schools and the new CAP’s (Cooridinating Administrative Principals) for Lanark .
- Congratulations to LCIH for 35 years. The shelter is only a small, although significant portion, of the Interval House’s reach. Generally, LCIH is moving towards a harm reduction approach and we can all learn from their creative responses in really listening to what the women they serve, want.
- The Family Engagement document will be posted on the website. It will give us a starting point for discussion next fall.
- Community Issues will be continuing as a committee with Erin as chair. Erin welcomes any suggestions from folks around advocacy issues but the committee also plans to create a work plan based on LCPC”s strategic plan next year.
Key Messages from May 1, 2014:
- Our justice partners, OPP, Smiths Falls Police, Lanark Community Justice and RNJ Youth Services presented to us about their services, their challenges and trends. It was clear that as community partners, we can help the police when they encounter children and youth who are in conflict with the law. Do we need the equivalent of a LEAD protocol for police? And how about a card that outlines child and youth services like the one for adult services that the police already have?
- Everyone is encouraged to sign on to the Healthy Communities Vision. You can do so as an individual, an organization or a group of organizations. LCPC has just done so!
- We will need to be aware of the Special Needs Strategy. There are many opportunities here for seamless rehab services for children from birth to school leaving; and for service coordination for children with complex special needs. Once again, the service area is LLG; clearly a new trend in how funding will be released.
Key Messages from April 3, 2014:
- Great Data Day at Camp Merrywood. No formal meeting, so no key messages coming forward
Key Messages from March 6, 2014:
- We were reminded how important service coordination is to our work; whether on a case by case level or a systems level. Jane Hess is going to circulate the service coordination guidelines LG developed; we heard about integrative planning and United Way remarked that collaboration and partnerships are an element that funders are looking for.
- Family and Children’s Services of LLG will be forming an Advisory Committee. Watch for details.
- “Family defines family” and that is what we have agreed is the essence of a definition of family. We also discovered that the role of families in the Planning Council would make a terrific topic for a future meeting.
- Social Media training is coming; thanks to Emily and Jane. Watch for email information.
Key Messages from February 6, 2014:
- The Southeast and Champlain LHINs are working on greater integration and more public engagement. They are using a new model called Health Links to bring together doctors, local health providers, and agencies to discuss overall care, whether or not they are directly funded by the LHINs.
- The Youth Justice Collaborative has started meeting. They are working on building ties with police forces in the County.
- United Way will be offering free seminars on meeting AODA accessibility regulations. More information will be distributed
- The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario is having a session to update partners on its mental health work. Information will be distributed
Key messages January 9, 2014:
- LCPC needs to re-engage in strategic planning in the fall and once the strategic plan is complete, we need to move it forward with the creation of a work plan.
- Data day is coming! Emily will be sending out an Xcel spreadsheet and data definitions. As well, Emily may be contacting agencies individually for sector specific data. All of the data will be due back to Emily in February. Please remember this is not a make work project. Fill out the data elements based on the data you already collect.
- Social Media – be purposeful, be aware and listen to what people are saying, be familiar with different types of social media and email Jane if you want to be part of a secret social media learning group on Facebook.
Key messages December 5th, 2013
- 211: Please promote 211- it is a free information and referral service that is available by phone and online. This year is the 5th anniversary and the second year for Lanark. Fraser at United Way has lots of promotional materials.
- Communication Plan: PREZI is cool! Check it out! The Communication committee wanted to remind us that we are all partners in the communication plan. Send postings and links to Jane for Facebook, twitter and blogs. All are asked to promote lanarkids site, Facebook page and twitter account.
- MCYS: Business as usual until January 15th when Dave Remington takes on new role as Director.
- Community Issues: We need to renew our commitment to the process; the principles and process will be forwarded by separate email.
- Service Integration: Data day is coming
- Poverty: We still have lots of passion for this issue and a group is meeting together to move forward.
Key messages November 7, 2013
- The Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario gave an update about their current focus on resiliency, including training for students, staff and teachers. They have also established a Mental Health Leadership Team in each school. A provincial suicide prevention protocol will be shared with partners soon.
- The Upper Canada District School Board gave updates on various projects. They are also doing resiliency training and have created a Living Well Charter. They have hired mental health leads and aboriginal leads for the board. They are working on empowerment for all, with an LGBTQ focus, and are helping special needs students map out their paths
- Jane attended a conference on networks and will share information on conflict resolution with LCPC in January
- The Service Integration Committee is focusing on the Data Day, planned for April.
- The Health Unit is working on a Bridges Out of Poverty program to be offered on one or two dates in Lanark County
- The Community Issues Committee is reviewing the process for bringing issues to the table
- The calendar of topics for social media posts was distributed; Jane is looking for people to help write
- The Youth and Middle Years Working Groups are starting back up
- Training related to parent engagement will be offered in the region on January 15, 2014
- Location is changed for the December meeting! We will meet at Lanark Community Programs in Carleton Place on December 5
Key Messages for October 3, 2013:
- Welcome to Lynette Cumming, our new Program Supervisor. Lynette will be attending LCPC, Lanark Best Start and Lanark Case Resolution.
- Lois presented a draft Healthy Communities Partnership Vision Statement for feedback and she will be distributing the statement for endorsement once it is finalised.
- The Social Media Plan was endorsed. And lanarkkids. Website, Facebook and Twitter accounts are going live!
- We split into smaller groups to talk about best examples of integrated services and then, the group endorsed moving forward with a Community Planning exercise lead by the Integration committee.
- See you next month on November 7th.
Key Messages for September 12, 2013:
- The new website should be live today!!!! Send info to Jane to populate it and look to the website for minutes and agendas
- It is time to renew and refresh committee membership- the Communication committee is being renamed the Social Media task force and the mandate will be to support/advise in her social media role. Other active committees include: Community Issues, Service Integration and Professional Development. Some committees do not have totally “open” membership- Stewardship is elected or appointed, Best Start has a process, and Respite and Case Resolution have closed membership. Middle Years is hoping to get energised again. Developmental Assets and the Youth committee have no leadership at this time.
- We also had a good discussion about how we handle conflict within the council and agreed that to ensure open and healthy discourse, we would like to add a conflict resolution section to our terms of reference, explore a code of conduct and have a discussion about our culture.
- Just a reminder- if you have ideas for guest speakers, agenda items or themes for meetings, let Jane know.
- Next meeting will be held on October 3rd and the theme is Integration.
Key Messages for June 6, 2013
- Highlight of the new Health Unit strategic plan
- Network Map shows we are well connected
- Social Media course is going really well for Jane and Emily
- The link for the evaluation of the LCPC will be sent out
- Boundary change to MCYS
- New messages will be posted on the web site
Key messages for May 2, 2013:
- Handouts from Health Unit re: dental health and information re: Shirley House Programs.
- Social Media- Colleen’s advice- think communication plan first and then, see how social media fits; Also, Jane and Emily will be getting intensive training in Social Media to prepare them to coach the rest of us.
- Early Childhood Development Framework- has been favourably received