Best Start


The children in Lanark County will be provided with the best early learning and development opportunities through an integrated system of services and supports that will assist them in reaching their full potential as adults. 


  • To serve families with children 0-6 years and to provide guidance, advice and evaluation of programs related to this age group, which may include programs which carry a mandate for implementation by  Best Start Working Group or its members
  • To facilitate communication between service providers and the community
  • To promote service system integration from planning to program implementation
  • Advocacy on behalf of families with children 0-6 years
  • To encourage all local/municipal programs for children and families to work together to develop comprehensive integrated services 


The Best Start Working Group will create a comprehensive integrated system of services that supports families with children from prenatal through the transition into school. 


The following guiding principles should be followed in the planning for programs and services for children 0-6 yrs:  

  •  Children and families are our first priority
  • Parent and community involvement is essential in all child development and care initiatives
  • We support environments that promote high quality programs and services and healthy child development
  • We promote and foster collaboration, co-operation and integration of children’s services by building on community capacity
  • Working together, we can promote the well-being of all children
  • It is essential to demonstrate that we value all children
  • We embrace and value diverse cultures
  • All child development and care endeavours must be accessible, inclusive, adaptable and flexible and reflect evidence-based best practices
  • Work in collaboration with all levels of government and cross ministerial committees 
  • The successful implementation of any of the programs and services related to families with children 0-6 years is contingent upon the numerous community partners working together in a strategic manner for planning and implementation of initiatives.

TOR Oct 2012 Revision FINAL


How Does Learning Happen

Think, Feel, Act  Research Briefs

Pedagogical Leadership, Inclusion and Epigenetics – Think, Feel, Act Videos on Ontario Government’s YouTube Channel.




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