For Release: April 1, 2015
April News: Update #4
Lanark Leeds & Grenville Special Needs Strategy (SNS) Proposal Development Table
Happy Spring!
The local SNS Table of service providers and parents are conscious of the few months remaining before we complete proposals for the Ontario Special Needs Strategy. For more information on the strategy see and What’s new since last month?
We are pleased to announce a major decision. After much discussion, the Child Development Centre located at Hotel Dieu Hospital in Kingston is the Table’s unanimous choice for the LLG proposed “Coordinating Agency” for Coordinated Service Planning. CDC will administer the new system working closely with other service providers to support children who are using more than one service. This system will include having only one plan for each child and coordinators to assist families.
In April we will be using the ideas of parents and providers as well as our research of models operating successfully elsewhere in the province to make a first draft of our proposal to better serve the children with most complex needs.
At the same time, we are developing ideas for reorganizing the system so that all children who receive rehab services (speech-language, occupational therapy and physiotherapy) will find them more holistic, effective, collaborative, continuous and convenient. Please send us your ideas using the surveys below.
We need your ideas on improving rehab service delivery!
Parents: If you are a parent of a child receiving speech-language services, occupational therapy or physiotherapy, please answer the questions on this parents’ on-line survey:
Service Providers: If you work for an agency, school or other body that provides rehab services, please provide your ideas using this service providers’ on-line survey:
Kindly spread the word to other families or care providers by sending them this update, and encouraging them to send in their ideas on or before April 14. We seek as many ideas as possible!
How can I stay up to date?
Click here to request these regular updates or other information: mailto:[email protected].
Thank you and enjoy the warm weather!
Table Co-chairs
Margaret van Beers, Director, Child Development Centre, Hotel Dieu Hospital Paula Perrault, Principal of Special Education, Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario
Gillian Jackson, Manager, Children’s Services Developmental Services of Leeds & Grenville
Donna Davidson, Director, Lanark Community Programs, Lanark Renfrew Health & Community Services